Voting in New York City
Venue : |
South African Consulate General 333 East 38th Street, 9th Floor New York City 10016 |
Hours: |
The Consulate will be open for voting on Wednesday, 30 April 2014, from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm |
Required Documents:
a) Green, bar-coded ID book; smartcard ID; or valid Temporary Identity Certificate; and
b) Valid South African passport or temporary passport.
Kindly spread the word.
For any enquiries relating to elections please consult the IEC on the following website: www.elections.org.za
Note: Please note that Civic and Immigration Services Offices are closed during election.
Notify the Electoral Commission South Africa of your intention to vote outside South Africa (VEC 10)
26 February 2014
Election day in South Africa as well as abroad was proclaimed in the Government Gazette on 25 February 2014. This means that no further registrations will be entertained.
Voting abroad will take place on Wednesday, 30 April 2014 from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. By law it is not possible to vote abroad on any date other than 30 April 2014, and no exceptions will be made.
Applications are now open to notify the IEC of your intention to vote abroad and where (at which mission) citizens intend to vote, by completing a VEC 10 form at http://www.elections.org.za/content/For-Voters/Notify-the-IEC-of-your-intention-to-vote-outside-South-Africa-%28VEC-10%29/
Applications need to be submitted ONLINE ONLY on the IEC website at www.elections.org.za and will close at midnight (South Africa time) on 12 March 2014. Applicants will receive either an email or sms notification from IEC South Africa to acknowledge receipt of their application.
For any enquiries relating to elections please consult the IEC on the following website: www.elections.org.za
Important information on Out-of-Country Voter Registration
12 February 2014
A South African citizen who is out of the country and wishes to apply for registration must be in possession of a South African identity document and a valid South African passport.
The process is ONGOING until the date of the official proclamation of the 2014 elections by the President. South African citizens must apply for registration on or before the day that the upcoming election date is proclaimed (published in the Government Gazette) by the President, which is expected to be before the end of February, after which the Voters’ Roll is closed.
South African Consulate General
333 East 38th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5:00pm
The Registration System:
To apply for registration, applicants must, in person, submit the completed application form (REC1/ OC form), together with their Green bar-coded identity document, valid Temporary Identity Certificate (TIC – valid for 2 months) or Smart Card and a valid South African passport to the Special Registration Officer at those foreign missions where registration services will be rendered. Only South African citizens who are not on the voters’ roll are required to register.
Download the Application Form REC1/OC - To expedite your registration process, please fill up the form on-screen, print and bring with you along with the required documents.
Additional information:
A registered voter in the RSA is NOT required to re-register to vote abroad. It is best for such a person to check his/her registration status on www.elections.org.za If the person discovers that he/she is not registered to vote then that person is advised to register to vote from abroad. Importantly, if a registered voter intends to vote outside of the RSA, that person will need to complete an online VEC 10 form (which will be available on www.elections.org.za) once the President of the RSA proclaims the date of the 2014 elections and within 15 days from the proclamation date. More details in this regard are available on www.elections.org.za.
The Electoral Amendment Act 2013 states that RSA citizens may apply in person to register to vote, and to vote from RSA Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates. The law does not provide for such opportunities outside of these locations.
The Electoral Amendment Act 2013 makes provision for voters abroad to vote in the national election only, and not provincial elections.
Eligibility to Register:
To be eligible to register abroad, a person must:
- Be a South African citizen;
- Be 16 years of age or older;
- Possess a valid green bar-coded identity document, a valid Temporary Identity Certificate (valid for 2 months) or Smart Card;
- Possess a valid South African passport and
- Submit in person the application form, the identity document and a valid South African passport to a Special Registration Officer appointed by the Commission for that purpose.
Download the Application Form REC1/OC - To expedite your registration process, please fill up the form on-screen, print and bring with you along with the required documents.
Please note: Only a green bar-coded ID, a valid Temporary Identification Certificate or a Smart Card are accepted for registration purposes. No other document will be accepted.
How to register and vote abroad
Get answers to your questions regarding overseas voting directly from the Electoral Commission of South Africa.