First Conventional Vessel Shipments of South African Summer Citrus to the U.S.
Arriving Wednesday are the first conventional vessel shipments of South African Summer Citrus to the U.S. (www.summercitrus.com )
The U.S. House of Representatives voted last week to extend the Africa Growth & Opportunity Act (AGOA). Still to go before the U.S. Senate, it is expected that President Obama will sign the international treaty, as did his predecessors, Presidents Bush and Clinton.
Among the most successful programs of the AGOA trade agreement, South African Summer Citrus exports +/- 42,000 tons of easy peelers (clementines) Navel oranges, and Star Ruby Grapefruit to the U.S. from June through October, a time when domestic grown citrus is less available.
- Ms. Thulisile Mathula Nkosi, Consul General of South Africa in New York
- Mr. Piet Smit, Grower of South African Summer Citrus & Director of Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum
- Philipetri Fourie, Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum
- Ms. Casey Kio, Sales & Marketing Manager, AMC Direct, Importer
- Mr. Marc Solomon, Senior Vice President, Capespan North America, Importer
10:00 a.m., Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Port of Philadelphia, Holt Logistics,
701 N. Broadway, Pier 9,
Gloucester City, NJ (under the Walt Whitman Bridge)
Why: The majority and largest shipments of South African Summer Citrus enter the U.S. through the Port of Philadelphia. The program employs thousands of workers here and in South Africa.
Interview & Photo/Video Opportunity:
- See the fruit as it is discharged from the vessel and inspected prior to transport to supermarkets across the U.S.
- Interview the growers and exporters of the citrus and the Consul General of South Africa to New York.
Process: Arrive to the guardhouse at Pier 9, 701 North Broadway, Gloucester City, NJ by 10:00 a.m. You will be transported to the vessel for all interview and photo opportunities. There is compete and open access to the Consul General, growers, and importers; there is no formal program. Flat & close-toed shoes are recommended.
Contact: Lisa Packer 215.460.8333 (mobile) lpacker@stargroup1.com