13 March 2013

Ambassador Kingsley Mamabolo, the new Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations has today 13 March 2013, presented his credentials to H.E Ban ki-Moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Ambassador Mamabolo was accompanied by the Honourable, Advocate Ngoako Ramatlhodi, the Deputy Minister of Correctional Services and Advovate Doc Mashabane, the Deputy Representative of South Africa to the United Nations.

Following presentation of his credentials, Ambassador Mamabolo accompanied by Deputy Minister Ramatloadi and DPR Mashabane held a bilateral meeting Mr. Ban. The Secretary-General congratulated the Permanent Representative for his appointment and expressed appreciation of South Africa’s role in the UN as well as the country’s leadership roles in the Africa Group, Group of 77 and China and in the Non-Aligned Movement.

The Secretary-General emphasized that South Africa under the leadership of President Jacob Zuma continue to play a central role on the African continent, in particular in conflict prevention, management and resolution. Mr. Ban Ki Moon also recognized the role played by the political leadership of South Africa in the broader south and further noted that South Africa as the only African member of the G20, has a pivotal role to play in global economic governance.

The Secretary-General applauded South Africa under President Zuma for its role on the Framework Agreement on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this context, he thanked the role played by SADC and personal efforts of President Zuma.

Mr. Ban ki-Moon pointed-out to Ambassador Mamabolo that his appointment comes at a critical period in the history of the United Nations, given that the debate on the definition of a new global development agenda has begun and the target date for the achievement of MDGs in 2015 is drawing closer. He emphasized that South Africa has a crucial role to play in defining this Development Agenda.

On his part, Ambassador Mamobolo thanked the Secretary-General for welcoming him to the United Nations and expressed appreciation for the cooperation extended to his predecessors since the UNSG’s appointment in 2006.

The South African Permanent Representative reassured the Secretary-General of South Africa’s cooperation and support as he continues to tackle all global challenges facing the United Nations.

Ambassador Mamabolo specifically thanked the Secretary-General for his commitment to conflict resolution in Africa and for being a partner in addressing under-development on the continent. He mentioned that cooperation between the African Union and the United Nations remains critical and hopes that the Secretary-General will continue working with South Africa and SADC on issues on the continent, in particular the situation in DRC.

In closing, the Secretary-General asked Ambassador Mamabolo to convey his sincere gratitude to President Zuma and Minister Nkoana-Mashabane for their continued support to all his endeavours not only on the African continent but also across the globe.

The Secretary-General concluded by saying he looks forward to working with Ambassador Mamabolo and noted that the United Nations Secretariat stands ready to work with him to make his tenure at the United Nations a success.