Statement at the Security Council Open Debate on the Situation in the Middle East
31 October 2017
Mr Chair,
We join other Member States in expressing our appreciation to you and the French delegation for convening this open debate on the situation in the Middle East including the question of Palestinian. South Africa aligns itself with the statement made by the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.
We also welcome the report by the UN Secretary General on the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 2334 (2016), however we reiterate the position articulated by Venezuela on behalf of NAM on the need for a substantive written report, which will provide a valuable record of the implementation process and dissuade continued violations of this resolution. It should also include an assessment of the long term humanitarian impact of such violations.
Mr Chair,
The open debate is taking place against the backdrop of the announcement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the construction of 3 800 new housing units for Jewish settlements has been approved in the West Bank. The increased settlement expansion constitutes a contravention of international law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. It also illustrates the continued disregard for international norms necessary for the UN Security Council to fulfil its primary mandate of pursuing international peace and security and a direct violation resolution 2334 (2016).
Mr Chair,
The situation on the ground cannot be allowed to continue, and is a blight of on the conscious of the international community. There is no doubt that the trend and pattern of human rights violations associated with the occupation is inexorably linked to the settlement enterprise. The ongoing settlement activities by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, seriously undermines the two-state solution and threatens the viability and territorial contiguity of the future Palestinian State. It is an enduring impediment to the peace, security, stability and development in the wider Middle East region.
Mr Chair,
South Africa would like to emphasize the urgent need for Israel to lift the illegal land and naval blockade on Gaza, which has now entered its 11th year. The blockade continues to worsen the already dire socio-economic and humanitarian situation in Gaza. Unemployment in Gaza stands at 38.4% with youth and women’s unemployment at a shocking 60% and 84% respectively. This economic situation has not been helped by Palestine’s state of energy dependence on Israel, and can only fuel resentment among a youth population who are disenfranchised. The ongoing occupation and the situation in Gaza makes it virtually impossible for the attainment of the sustainable development goals.
These recent actions are part of a long established pattern of stifling the development of a viable Palestinian state and illustrate a disingenuous approach to finding a solution to this crisis that has reached half a century without resolution.
Mr Chair,
South Africa welcomes the positive outcome of the Palestinian Reconciliation Deal, and hopes that the deal will provide an effective and unified basis on which to govern Gaza and promote greater national unity within Palestine. Such unity should prove vital not only in pursuing a better life for Palestinians in Gaza, but in presenting a unified and coherent articulation of Palestinian concerns.
My delegation continues express its deep concerned regarding of the situation of Palestinian prisoners and detainees, specifically women and children. This situation remains of serious concern to the international community. In this regard, we call on Israel to respect the human rights of all Palestinian prisoners and abide by relevant international humanitarian law including the Fourth Geneva Convention. We also call on the Israeli authorities to implement, in full and immediately, the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules) and the UN Rules for the treatment of Women prisoners (the Bangkok rules).
Mr Chair,
My delegation is further concerned about the funding gap within UNRWA’s operational budget. In the absence of a lasting political solution, the international community cannot abdicate its responsibility and duty towards the Palestinian refugees and for ensuring the continuation of the agency’s work on a sound financial basis. For its part, South Africa will continue to support UNRWA through its financial contributions. As a member of IBSA, we will provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people through the IBSA fund, and in cooperation with the Palestinian authorities and other international organisations we support projects Nablus and in the Gaza.
In conclusion, Mr Chair,
South Africa concurs with the international community, that the only way to bring about genuine and everlasting peace between Israel and Palestine, is through having comprehensive and unconditional negotiations dealing with all final status issues including the unrelenting expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories of Palestine, the lifting of the illegal Gaza blockade and the continuing occupation of the Palestinian territory. This will contribute immensely towards peace and security throughout the Middle East and resolve one of the most protracted conflicts the last century has known.
I thank you.
Rev. Thursday, 26-Jul-2018 11:23 AM