South African Citizenship
South African Citizenship by Birth
The following persons are South African citizens by birth:
- Persons born in South Africa before October 6, 1995.
- Persons born in or out of wedlock on or after October 6, 1995 if one of his or her parents is either a South African citizen or a permanent resident. For those born before October 6, 1995 the mother of the child must have been a South African citizen at the time of the birth of the child.
- Persons born in South Africa, adopted by parents of which one parent is a South African citizen and whose birth is registered.
- Persons born in South Africa, not having the nationality of any other country and whose birth is registered.
- Person born outside South Africa and whose parents were at the birth of the child in the service of the South African Government, representative, employee of a person, association of person resident, established in South Africa, was in the service of international organization to which the Government of South Africa is a member.
Registrations under this category are normally filed in South Africa and nearest offices of the Department of Home Affairs can be contacted in this regard.
South African Citizenship by Descent
The following persons are South African citizens by descent:
- Persons born outside South Africa of whom one of his or her parents was a South African citizen at the time of his or her birth and whose births are registered.
- Persons born outside South Africa, adopted by a South African citizen, and whose birth is registered.
- Any person in Namibia on or after March 21, 1990 whose mother or father was a South African citizen at the time of the birth of the child.
- Adopted child whose responsible parent was issued with a certificate of resumption of citizenship and has entered South Africa for permanent residence while he or she was a minor and whose birth was registered within a year after the certificate of resumption was issued.
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:
- Completed BI-24 form to be endorsed by South African parent of child being registered.
- Completed BI-529. Child and South African parents
- Original or notarized copy of foreign birth certificate.
- Original or notarized copies of South African parents' proof of citizenship. For instance, Birth certificate, ID book, valid passport.
- Original or notarized copy of parents' marriage certificate.
- A notarized letter of consent from the child's non-South African parent giving her/his consent for the child's birth to be registered in South Africa.
- Adoption order (This is applicable to those who are adopted by South African citizens)
South African Citizenship by Naturalization
Persons who are South African citizens by naturalization or registration or were citizens of any of the former TBVC states by naturalization are regarded as naturalized South African citizens. Applications for naturalizations are filed only in South Africa and the nearest office of the Department of Home Affairs.
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:
- Applicant must be a permanent residence holder.
- Ordinarily resident in South Africa and has been resident for one year after immediately preceding the date of application. In addition to this he or she has been resident in South Africa for a further period of not less four years during the eight years after the date of application. In a case of married man or woman, the applicant must have resided in South Africa for a period of not less than two years immediately preceding the date of his or her application and after the date of his or her marriage to such citizen.
- Person must be of a good character.
Exemptions issued in terms of the South African Citizenship Act (No. 88) of 1995
Section 6(2) Exemption:
This is an exemption issued to a South African citizen intending to retain his or her citizenship. The exemption takes four (4) to six (6) weeks to be issued and has to be applied for before a foreign citizenship is taken. Applicants are advised to ensure that they have the exemption certificate in hand, as a proof of the approval of their application before taking up foreign citizenship.
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:
- Completed BI-529E.
- Completed BI-1664.
- Valid passport.
- Original or notarized copy of applicant's proof of South African citizenship such as Birth certificate or ID book.
- Notarized letter confirming that the foreign citizenship has not been taken up and proof of current status in foreign country of which citizenship will be acquired.
- Prescribed fee of $25.00.
Section 26(4) Exemption:
This is a kind of exemption given to South Africans who took up a foreign citizenship before October 06, 1995. A person who takes up foreign citizenship without retaining his or her South African citizenship automatically loses his or her South African citizenship.
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:
- Completed BI-529E form.
- Completed BI-1666 form.
- Proof of the foreign citizenship acquired.
- Valid passport.
- Original or notarized copy of a proof of a South African citizenship.
- Prescribed fee $25.00
Rev. Thursday, 23-Mar-2023