Personal Amendment
- Application to Assume Another Surname
- Application for Alteration of a Forename
- Application for Alternation of a Date of Birth
In accordance with the provisions of the South African Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992, a South African citizen may apply to amend his/her personal information in the Population Register by virtue of a formal application for personal amendment.
Application to Assume Another Surname
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:
- Form BI-196 (majors), Form BI-193 (minors), Application to Assume Another Surname
- Form BI-795, Affidavit for the Insertion of a Surname (if registered without a surname or if adding a surname to an existing surname);
- Form BI 24, Notice of Birth, to indicate the surname to be assumed;
- Certified copy of Birth Certificate
- Certified copy of Statutory Declaration, Adoption Papers and Court Order or in the absence of these an affidavit motivating the necessity of the change of surname.
- Administrative fee of $27.00 for majors, $6.00 for minors in money order payable to the appropriate South African representative office. No personal checks will be accepted.
Application for Alteration of a Forename
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:
- Form BI 85, Application for Alteration of Forename
- Form BI 24, Notice of Birth, to indicate the new forename
- Certified copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Statutory Declaration, Court Order or in the absence of these an affidavit motivating the necessity of the change of forename;
- An administrative fee of $12.00 (majors) $6.00 for minors in cash or money order payable to the appropriate South African representative office . No personal checks will be accepted.
Application for Alteration of a Date of Birth
Checklist of Documents to be Submitted:
- Form BI 526E, Affidavit
- Form BI 24, Notice of Birth, to indicate the correct date of birth
- Certified copy of Birth Certificate
- Affidavit motivating the necessity/reasons for the change of date of birth;
- An administrative fee of $6.00 (majors and minors) in money order payable to the appropriate South African representative office . No personal checks will be accepted.
All of the above application requires a processing period of 3 to 4 months as the amendment has to be published in the Government Gazette. Once the application is finalized, applicant will receive an abridged birth certificate to confirm the amended information.
Rev. Thursday, 23-Mar-2023