South African Temporary Residence Visa
Temporary residence visa are issued on request to applicants who intend to visit South Africa for a period of over three (3) months but not exceeding three (3) years.
Different Types of Temporary Residence Visa
- Study Visa
issued to foreigners intending to take up studies in South Africa.
- Treaty Visa
issued to foreigners conducting activities in South Africa in terms of an international agreement to which South Africa is a party.
- Relative's Visa
issued to relatives/spouses of South African citizens or residents intending to move to South Africa and take up permanent residence.
- Medical Visa
issued to foreigners intending to visit South Africa for the purpose of undergoing medical treatment.
- Retired Person's Visa
issued to retirees intending to live in South Africa only for limited or seasonal periods during the validity of the permit.
- Business Visa
issued to foreigners who intend to establish or invest in a business in South Africa in which they may be employed.
Work Visa
- General Work Visa
This is a permit issued to all foreigners with general qualifications intending to work in South Africa.
- Intra-Company Transfer Work Visa
issued to foreigners being transferred by their own company to an affiliate company in South Africa.
- Critical Skills Work Visa
issued to applicants in possession of exceptional skills or qualifications that are scarce in in South Africa.
- Corporate Visa
issued by the Department to a corporate applicant. A corporate applicant is defined as a juristic person established under the laws of South Africa or a foreign country as a corporation to employ foreigners to conduct work for such applicant.
- General Work Visa
- Exchange Visa
issued to applicants under the age of 25 years and may only conduct work for one year.
Rev. Thursday, 23-Mar-2023